April 5, 2018 – Tamara Estes
4 Reasons to Celebrate 4/20
Written by Stacey Khizder It's only been a little over a year than the Trump administration has been in office, and his cabinet members have already tried cracking down on marijuana use. In May, Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked Congress to give the Department of Justice authorization to prosecute those who use marijuana, even in states where it's legal. While...
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January 18, 2018 – Tamara Estes
Medicare For All... It's Time
Written by Stacey Khizder Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. I never understood why the GOP had an issue with determining healthcare as a right when their entire platform preaches "pro-life". It never made sense to me why moderate Democrats don't see single-payer healthcare as the only viable option for Americans. I certainly cannot explain why mainstream cable media completely...
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December 28, 2017 – Tamara Estes
An Ode to 2017
Written by Stacey Khizder Isn't it wild that there was a time this year when Barack Obama was President? That feels like forever ago. I remember entering 2017 having no idea how drastically the political climate was going to change. After spending a year and a half mocking the idea of a Trump presidency actually coming true, it was well...
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December 11, 2017 – Tamara Estes
Gift Giving Guide
Written by Stacey Khizder ALRIGHT liberals, I know you all claim to be "anti-capitalist", and want to "seize the means of production", but let's be honest. The holiday season is around the corner and don't pretend like you don't have friends and family who are going to expect holiday gifts from you this year. The class struggle is real, but...
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December 11, 2017 – Tamara Estes
Got Rewards?!
Written by Stacey Khizder Have you heard about ShopTYT's reward program? If you haven't already checked out our store, ShopTYT is the epicenter for political attire. Our merchandise helps you make a statement, and is a perfect place to shop for your friend who eats, sleeps, and breathes politics. Our reward program helps with that. If you refer someone to ShopTYT.com,...
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December 7, 2017 – Tamara Estes
Feminist AF
Written by Stacey Khizder Yesterday, TIME finally announced their person of the year. Or people, to be more accurate. ‘The Silence Breakers’ are on this years’ cover, and it’s sending a powerful message that ‘modern society’ needs to listen to. ‘The Silence Breakers’ are the brave victims of sexual assault, harassment, and/or rape who have come forward against their abusers....
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November 16, 2017 – Tamara Estes
The Holidays Are Coming!
Written by Stacey Khizder How is there already only a month and a half left of 2017? People say this every year, especially when the holidays rolls around and most of us aren't nearly prepared for it. ShopTYT is here to help. Yesterday, we launched our exclusive 10-day Black Friday sale! Each day, there is a new sale and promotion all...
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November 14, 2017 – Tamara Estes
Want To Join the Club?
Written by Stacey Khizder It drives me absolutely crazy each time I hear people referencing "that socialist Bernie Sanders". There is a big difference between socialism and Democratic socialism. Socialism is the total equal distribution of wealth, status, and political gain amongst a population, while Democratic socialism takes this idea and applies it to a Democracy. Sen. Sanders' most famous policy proposals inherit the philosophy of Democratic socialism, where...
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November 2, 2017 – Tamara Estes
My First TYT Shirt
Written by Stacey Khizder My first TYT shirt has brought me luck since the first day I got it. Last year, before the 2016 general election, The Young Turks was on tour with Fusion, hosting multiple live shows on America’s colleges and universities. Back then, I was just a fan of TYT. I watched the two hour live show religiously, as...
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October 24, 2017 – Tamara Estes
BiC Graphics Doesn't Understand The First Amendment, Apparently
Written by Stacey Khizder Through out the primaries, the general election, and his Presidency, Donald Trump has stood for nothing but hatred, bigotry, sexism, greed, and selfishness. If BiC Graphics rejects these rightful criticisms of our President, then what do they aim to represent? If you're familiar with ShopTYT, you know that 'Bitchy Rich' and 'Jurassic Prick' are some of our original and...
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September 7, 2017 – Tamara Estes
Feel the Heisenbern
Written by Stacey Khizder On September 13th, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) plans to introduce his long-anticipated Medicare for All bill. Shortly after, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that she will co-sponsor the bill. As this bill is going to make its way through the legislative process, it is intended to implement a single-payer health insurance system for all Americans, regardless...
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July 20, 2017 – Tamara Estes
You Know You're Bitchy Rich When...
Written by Stacey Khizder On Wednesday, President Donald Trump told the New York Times that he thinks young people, or by his definition, 21-year olds, pay $12 a year for health insurance. As a fellow millennial, I don't think I'd complain if I had to pay that little. The reality is that most 21-year olds pay roughly $140 dollars a...
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July 18, 2017 – Tamara Estes
The Resistance Is Working
Written by Stacey Khizder Last night, Republican efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare came to a halt. After Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell stated that the installment of Trumpcare will not be successful, Sen. Moran (R-Kan) and Sen Lee (R-UT) simultaneously tweeted that they will not be supporting the new healthcare bill. This means that there are no longer enough votes...
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Showing item(s) 1-13 of 13.