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November 14, 2017 – Tamara Estes

Written by Stacey Khizder
It drives me absolutely crazy each time I hear people referencing "that socialist Bernie Sanders".
There is a big difference between socialism and Democratic socialism. Socialism is the total equal distribution of wealth, status, and political gain amongst a population, while Democratic socialism takes this idea and applies it to a Democracy. Sen. Sanders' most famous policy proposals inherit the philosophy of Democratic socialism, where economic production can meet the needs of the public, rather than a small fraction of a population.
Right now, America 'runs' on an economy that works great for the most privileged and elite percentage, while the rest of the 99% is unfairly disadvantaged. Right now, the American middle class is disappearing. Millions still don't have health care, and those who do, most likely have to pay thousands for insurance that doesn't cover much. U.S. student debt is at 1.45 trillion, while students pay an average of $100,000 to get a bachelors degree, yet cannot find sustainable a job after college. A country that prides itself on freedom and opportunity should not have such a large portion of Americans on the brink of economic turmoil. What we have now just isn't working anymore.
Last week, Lee Carter, a DSA endorsed candidate won the 50th district for Virginia's House of Delegates. This is just the beginning of Democratic Socialist candidates winning local, state, and hopefully, national offices.
Democratic Socialism is growing. Want to join the club?
1 comment
Democratic socialism is the way we need to go; there is no other viable alternative. Every other form of government leads either to our enslavement or our death. We meed to start a larger party that embraces all true progressives from Green to civil liberties. Our doom might just end up being that we were too brainwashed against socialism to adopt it while we still had a chance. Right now, we are still in the Little Bullshit stage. We have a firefighter mentality and barely defeat a healthcare repeal act or an oligarchic tax plan or a repeal of net neutrality at the last minute even though the overwhelming majority of people agree with us on all these issues. We have to unify into one social democratic party before it’s too late. Please respond to this comment.