Vote Blue Through n’ Through
July 18, 2024 – Justin Mickens

We support all who are fighting for positive change and willing to use their power for the good of the nation. The Democratic Party doesn’t always fall into that description, but they can be useful allies in this endeavor… sometimes. We released a design for 2018 midterm election cycle to show our support for left-leaning politicians with our Blue Nami design. But now it’s the general election again, so we have something new just for you. Introducing the ‘Vote Blue Through n’ Through’ design. Both designs come from the brilliant mind of TYT member and artist Imran Sheikh. Cenk always says that we do our shows together with our audience. We’re no different here at ShopTYT. We love collaborating with talented TYT members.
Imran Sheikh’s latest design features the Supreme Court on it. That’s no coincidence. This next election is important. If we can keep Donald Trump from getting his tiny hands on the White House, we may be able to flip the court for a generation.
Let’s take a moment to look at the current Justices of the Supreme Court. First, we have a newcomer, Ketanji Brown Jackson. She was appointed by President Biden in 2022. Next, we have Amy Coney Barrett, Brett M. Kavanaugh, and Neil M. Gorsuch. These Justices were all appointed by Donald Trump. After them, we have the appointments from the Obama Administration with Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor. Now this is where things get interesting. Samuel A. Alito and John G. Roberts were appointed by George W. Bush. The final judge, Clarence Thomas, was appointed by George H.W. Bush. These three older Justices have been in office longer than some voters have been alive.
Let’s abstain from any morbid scenarios here and stick to something more positive. These three Justices are prime candidates for retirement. If that happens sometime in the next four years, we’ll need an agreeable person in the White House and a reasonable Congress to facilitate the appointment of new Justices. The current court is stacked with corrupt right-wing activists. In just this year alone, they’ve created new opportunities to bribe politicians, further insulated the Presidency from accountability, and enabled punishing unhoused people for sleeping outside. We can no longer let the right-wing hold sway over this nation’s future. We must flip the court and get some activist judges of our own.
As Progressives, we know that real lasting change requires more than a vote every few years. But that doesn’t mean that our votes are worthless. This November, let’s give ourselves a fighting chance to undo the damage done by the court. Let’s create a chance for change and Vote Blue Through n’ Through.