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Get Caught Trying

August 6, 2024 – Justin Mickens

Get Caught Trying
Get Caught Trying

The history books won’t say that TYT played a vital role in Joe Biden’s decision to drop out. But that’s not the point. The point is that change requires the courage to take action. Get Caught Trying. Change is not passive and it isn’t exclusive to the four-year election cycle. Not everything we will try will succeed on a massive scale. But we need to try anyway. As Cenk says we have to Get Caught Trying

So do just that. Get caught trying to change prohibitive voting laws. Get caught trying to make affordable housing available in your community. Get caught trying to make a difference. But also, get caught wearing ShopTYT’s “Get Caught Trying” t-shirts and hoodies. Show the world that you’re not going to sit by and wait for change to magically happen. Change is coming because you’re ready to take action. 

It's been almost a decade since progressives sat at the edge of their seats while Bernie Sanders made a historic run for the White House in 2016. Since then we got a dose of Trump, a dose of Biden, and now we're being threatened with a second dose of Trump unless Kamala Harris can pull off a much-needed victory. Under these circumstances, it's understandable that some voters in our community are feeling disenchanted with the modern political landscape. Here at ShopTYT, we strive to remain optimistic. VP Harris has selected progress champion and governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz. Cenk says, “Tim Walz is a younger, honestly better fighter Bernie Sanders.” That’s quite an endorsement and it looks like there’s still hope for this November election.

Operation Hope is all about organizing, strategizing, and coming together to bring hope back to America. Real change can only stem from action. 

Last year, when Joe Biden was still running for a second term, Cenk asked the audience if he should run for President. The audience responded they wanted him to run. So he did., Naturally, the odds were not in his favor. But what he truly wished to accomplish was to get other candidates into the primary race against Biden. Long before the first Presidential debate, Cenk warned the country that Biden was a weak candidate and was poised to lose in the November rematch against Trump. Cenk didn’t win a single state. But the word quit is not in his dictionary, you have to Get Caught Trying. 

Once he withdrew from the race he started a petition. Months had gone by and Biden's poll numbers were getting worse. Cenk believes in the people and power they wield when they work together. With this new petition, there was a chance that a blossoming grassroots movement of voters could give the Democratic establishment the push they needed to repeal and replace Biden with a more competitive candidate. 

Today we have a new candidate, a new VP pick, and a renewed sense of hope for this election. But our struggle has only just begun. We still have to defeat Trump. So get out there and Get Caught Trying to make the world a better place.


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