November 16, 2017 – Tamara Estes
The Holidays Are Coming!
Written by Stacey Khizder How is there already only a month and a half left of 2017? People say this every year, especially when the holidays rolls around and most of us aren't nearly prepared for it. ShopTYT is here to help. Yesterday, we launched our exclusive 10-day Black Friday sale! Each day, there is a new sale and promotion all...
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October 31, 2017 – Tamara Estes
Scariest Halloween Of Our Time
Halloween eve came with news that was exciting, yet terrifying. Yesterday, the public learned that the first charges in the Mueller Russia probe have been filed. The first wave of charges included conspiracy, money laundering, and lying for top tier Trump campaign officials, Paul Manufort and Rick Gates. Following this, George Papadopoulos, who worked as Trump's foreign policy advisor, turned himself in for lying...
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