January 30, 2018 – Tamara Estes
This Award Show Season
Written by Stacey Khizder The arts have always been political. Given the sensitive time period we're living in, I'm happy to see more celebrities speak out against racism, sexism, bigotry, climate change, and socio-economic inequality. It's great to see members of Hollywood using their platform to support the Resistance, but not when their message is filled with hypocrisy. On Sunday, the Grammy Awards felt like a...
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December 7, 2017 – Tamara Estes
Feminist AF
Written by Stacey Khizder Yesterday, TIME finally announced their person of the year. Or people, to be more accurate. ‘The Silence Breakers’ are on this years’ cover, and it’s sending a powerful message that ‘modern society’ needs to listen to. ‘The Silence Breakers’ are the brave victims of sexual assault, harassment, and/or rape who have come forward against their abusers....
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