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The Revolution

March 14 2018 – Tamara Estes

The Revolution
The Revolution

Written by Stacey Khizder

For the last two years, we’ve been hearing a lot about the resistance. In order to stand up to Donald Trump, the majority of Congress, and the bigots of America, we’ve been told that we need to resist. Since Donald Trump’s Inauguration, the resistance movement has made its presence loud and clear. However, as we’re in another crucial election year, only resisting is not going to flip Congress.

'Resist' tank for $26. 

Since 2016, millions of Americans have lead the resistance by holding their leaders accountable, calling their representatives, hosting protests and rallies, and more. Without a doubt, this has influenced Donald Trump and the GOP to some degree. However, the resistance is not going to prevent another Donald Trump from being elected into office.

There are plenty of reasons why Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. But, let’s be honest. It wasn’t mainly because of James Comey or the Russian government. There is a continuous, widening gap of socio-economic inequality in the United States which has left millions of Americans angry and tired of establishment politicians. Hillary Clinton represented a moderate, establishment-elite. Donald Trump won because his campaign masterfully appealed to the people who wanted someone different -- someone who would revolutionize the way traditional, corrupt politicians are. While these voters were wrong about who they thought they elected into office, it is undeniable that they wanted change. However, progressives want the same change and are ready to bring it. 

This year, and heading into 2020, we need a political Revolution. We need to revolutionize our standards for the people we elect into office. This election year and beyond, progressive and ‘not-for-profit’ candidates need to be supported and elected. Simultaneously, independent and anti-establishment media needs your support to continue bringing truth to power.

After two years of resisting, it’s time to lead The Revolution.  

'The Revolution' cap for $25. 

1 comment

  • Leonard Volk: March 15, 2018
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    The Democratic Party must stop accepting Big Money from the corporate plutocracy for its campaigns, because the Clinton and Obama administrations paid Big Money with what the donors wanted most, including lobbying; NAFTA clones that allowed global corporations to write the rules for trade and punish the U.S. for alleged loss of income due to U.S. laws or regulations; lucrative bail-outs of banks too big to fail; Big Bankers given power in government; huge expansion of our prison system, including for-profit prisons and cheap inmate labor; and more pay-offs that resulted in loss of Democratic credibility with many voters.

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