November 16, 2017 – Tamara Estes
The Holidays Are Coming!
Written by Stacey Khizder How is there already only a month and a half left of 2017? People say this every year, especially when the holidays rolls around and most of us aren't nearly prepared for it. ShopTYT is here to help. Yesterday, we launched our exclusive 10-day Black Friday sale! Each day, there is a new sale and promotion all...
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September 26, 2017 – Tamara Estes
Written by Stacey Khizder Last Summer quarterback Colin Kaepernick kneeled during the national anthem to protest the systematic, institutionalized, social, and political racial oppression that is present in modern America. It's been over a year later, and NFL owners have shunned Kaepernick from their teams in response to taking the knee. Now, activists from across the country have vowed to...
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