Progressives Vs. Everybody
August 20, 2024 – Justin Mickens

The Democratic National Convention is in full swing. TYT is there on the scene providing the progressive coverage and analysis America deserves. We can’t wait to hear from Kamala Harris and Tim Walz this week. We are so excited, we created a full collection of Tim Walz-themed products right here at ShopTYT. But don’t mistake our excitement for us jumping onto the Democratic Party’s bandwagon. As progressives, we resist the urge to fall into cults of personality. We care about policy. So what is the current state of progressive policy at the federal level?
Since Bernie Sanders took the nation by storm during his historic 2015 -2016 run, the phrase “Medicare for all” has been etched into the hearts of progressives. But that was almost a decade ago. Today over sixty thousand Americans die each year from lack of access to healthcare. H.R.3421 or the Medicare for All Act could fix that. As the title suggests, this act would create a national health insurance program. No more deductibles, coinsurance, or copayments. H.R. 3421 would cover all US residents and provide healthcare for all illnesses, injuries, and maladies. The Act has been languishing in Congress since 2023. But a push from a certain super-powerful elected official could see this issue reenter the national spotlight.
Reproductive Rights
One of TYT’s most viral clips to date features our own, Ana Kasparian, passionately defending a person’s right to choose. Now that Roe V. Wade has been relegated to the dustbin of history, America needs new laws to protect the rights of its citizens. The Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Democratic Women’s Caucus have endorsed H.R. 8796. Also known as the “Stop Comstock Act,” this bill seeks to limit the influence of the 1873 Comstock Act. When this law was passed over one hundred and fifty years ago, it was intended to ban the distribution of obscene material via the mail. Today, right-wing activists insist that abortion drugs and other forms of contraception count as obscene material. Thus they want to use the Comstock Act to prevent people from making their own healthcare decisions in the privacy of their own homes. If it passes, the Stop Comstock Act will stop the Comstock Act from criminalizing healthcare providers and their patients.
Paid Family Leave
Last but not least is paid family leave. Here at TYT, our families come in all shapes and sizes. We value the time we spend with them and feel that all Americans should have the proper amount of time to bond with their children. We care a lot about Paid Family Leave and we even have a petition to help generate grassroots pressure for it. Only thirteen states have laws mandating paid family leave. So what’s the bill in Congress? There isn’t one. Americans overwhelmingly support the implementation of this policy. Despite each party laying claim to the idea of protecting family values, neither has made any progress towards paid family leave.
We wish we could tell you that the folks on Capitol Hill were willing to move mountains to see these policies happen, but they aren’t. That needs to change. It’s not enough for bills to be proposed. It’s not enough for politicians to talk about these issues while on the campaign trail. We need to see effort and action. The pressure campaign towards positive change starts here with people and with progressives. We can resist a second Trump presidency and also take on the rest of the establishment to push for the change this nation needs. It’s Progressives Vs, Everybody. We believe that so much that we put it on a T-shirt. Our victory is inevitable and we will overcome our political opponents on both the left and right.
So enjoy TYT’s coverage of the DNC. Listen to the speeches. Allow yourselves to be entertained by the singers and celebrities. But once it's all over, let’s not lose sight of what we’re fighting for.